Holzwärme Flachau Biomass Condensate Treatment

Holzwärme Flachau (Austria)

Biomass Power Plant

The cleaning of the condensate waste water of the biomass power plant in Flachau with a Thermal output of 7 MW is carried out with the innovative te-memTM process. The impurities in the condensate consisting of ash and various dissolved substances are separated in a combined precipitation / ultrafiltration, so the cleaned wastewater can be discharged directly into the receiving water. The purified water is clear, colourless and can also be reused within the power plant. In this case, the high costs for waste water disposal are saved.

The te-memTM system did not require any structural changes to the combined heat and power plant. The components and automation were space-saving in integrated into the existing condensate basin or building.

Compared to other ultrafiltration processes, te-memTM can do very well with very high solids concentrations, feed fluctuations, turbidity and other impurities bypass.

Holzwärme Flachau (Austria) 2

The fully automatic process is extremely energy-efficient with an electricity requirement of less than 0.5 kWh/m3. Other chemicals are used for that ongoing operation are not required. The membrane is robust, chemically resistant and also suitable for the high temperatures in a combined heat and power plant. During breaks in operation the membrane can even fall dry, so that it can be used at any time afterwards without pre-treatment to be put back into operation.

The te-memTM system "Holzwärme Flachau" was completed within 3 months planned and built. The facility has been in operation since March 14, 2014.

Contact Us for more information or to talk about your requirements email enquiries@te-tech.co.uk

Ash Content

Process security & resilience

Very effective chemical cleaning of cartridge

Low maintenance demand

Pressure applicable from -0.9 to 3bar

Technical disinfection (removal of bacteria and viruses up to log -6)

Project Details


Biomass Power Plant Key Details

Process Solution te-memTM
Ash Content <100mg/l
Turbidity <300NTU
Colour <1.000Co/Pt
Temperature  <60oC
Ave COD  < 90mg/l
Ave BOD < 30mg/l
Ave Ammonia < 5mg/l
Phosphorous  < 10mg/l

Download our te-memTM brochure here

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